Anyone who notices a decrease in vision falls into a slight panic. Due to this situation, a number of new problems are growing: what glasses to buy, whether they will spoil the image, how to get used to wearing them, whether new eye diseases will begin to develop. Of course, an ophthalmologist will help answer most of these questions. He will write you a prescription for your glasses and give you a complete list of the drugs you need to buy at the pharmacy. But in fact, each person can independently restore vision without resorting to expensive drugs and complex procedures, of course, if the disease is not started, but only begins to manifest itself. All that remains is to try and the result will certainly be positive!

All eye diseases can be divided into two stages: the usual gradual deterioration of vision (the initial stage) and complex diseases, which include cataracts, glaucoma, dacryocystitis, hemophthalmia, astigmatism, and so on. An ophthalmologist will help to exclude the manifestation of dangerous ailments, without his consultations you should not undertake any independent treatment. In addition, with complex diseases, self-medication can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous. We strongly recommend that you visit your doctor before using traditional medicine, so as not to aggravate the situation.
Why vision deteriorates
To get a quick result from the use of traditional medicine recipes, you need to know what factors affect visual impairment. If you have this information, you can more effectively get rid or weaken this ailment.
- Constant focus on nearby objects. Reading books, watching TV, working on the computer for a long time does not stiffen the muscles. From this, the tone of the eye muscles deteriorates and vision begins to gradually decrease.
- Natural aging of the retina. Unfortunately, over time, the retina of the eye loses its properties and from this vision begins to deteriorate. If you want to delay this process, eat more fruits and vegetables, which contain a large amount of vitamins.
- Bright or insufficient lighting causes the eyes to be in constant tension.
- Reading in transport. It greatly affects the normal functioning of the eyes. The vibration that appears during the journey has a negative effect on concentration. We strongly recommend that you stop reading books and newspapers on the subway, bus or train.
Recipes of traditional medicine to improve eyesight
Folk remedies were used long before the advent of medicine itself, so their use will certainly bring you a positive result.

- Wash your eyes with aloe. Squeeze the juice from the aloe leaves, dilute with boiled water at room temperature in a ratio of 1: 10. Rinse your eyes like this once a day (preferably in the evening), for a week.
- Calendula.A very effective remedy that can be used as an adjunct therapy for cataracts. 3 teaspoons of chopped calendula flowers pour a liter of boiling water on the floor. Let it brew, filter. Drink 100 grams 4 times a day.
- Infusion of dill seeds.One tablespoon of dill seeds will require 200 ml of boiled water. Let it brew for 30 minutes. Take every day for 2 weeks. Rest for a week, then continue again.
- Parsley and potatoes.Wash the parsley leaves, chop finely. Wrap the mass in gauze, making a bag and attach it to the eyes. The same effect gives raw, grated potatoes. It is necessary to apply to the eyes after sore eyes.
- Blueberry.Blueberries are extremely beneficial for eye health. It can be used in any form: as a jam, fruit drink or compote. Blueberries contain a special substance necessary for blood circulation in the retina. If you've just felt that your vision has started to deteriorate, go on a blueberry diet immediately. This will help quickly return lost diopters.
- Eye ointment.It is necessary to prepare equal quantities of dandelion powder and honey, exclusively natural. Mix the ingredients and rub on the eyelids every night.
- Infusion of euphrasia.Make a decoction of aromatic herbs. Finely chopped collection (2 tablespoons) pour boiling water (1 cup). Let it brew in a dark place for 3 hours. Rinse the eyes with the prepared infusion in the morning and in the evening.
- Vitamin mask.Prepare peeled and grated cucumbers, grated apples, sorrel (pre-cooked steamed) in equal quantities. Mix everything thoroughly, wrap in gauze and apply to the eyes for 30 minutes. It is recommended to do this at night, without turning on the light.
- Carrot Salad.Carrot tops are unusually rich in vitamins, which are not found in the root itself. If eating vegetables doesn't sound tasty to you, you can make a salad consisting of sorrel, carrot tops and cucumbers. Sprinkle everything with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Both tasty and healthy!
- Carrot juice with honey.At least once a week, all pupils, students and those who spend a lot of time on the computer should be given freshly squeezed carrot juice with honey. An ideal way to saturate the body with useful substances.
- Raspberry leaves and fruits.Prepare the prepared ingredients (half a cup) with boiling water (1 cup), hold for 20 minutes. Filter, drink.
- Citrus fruits.They bring a lot of benefits, as they contain a large amount of vitamins. If you want to restore your previous visual acuity, eat at least 2 tangerines or an orange a day. Note! This recipe is only suitable for those who have no problems with the digestive system!
- Vegetable juice.You will need to squeeze the juice from vegetables such as parsley, celery, chicory and carrots. To do this, you can scroll everything through a meat grinder, put it in cheesecloth and decant the juice that appears. Drink half a glass 3 times a day.
- Sprouted wheat grains.Since ancient times, it has been known that germinated wheat grains are rich in a large number of useful vitamins, trace elements and other substances. If you want to use this product for food, you must first sprout the kernels. To do this, rinse the seeds, spread them on a flat saucer, pour a small amount of warm water, cover with a napkin. After 1-2 days, tender shoots will begin to appear. Pass them through a meat grinder, mix them with honey and use them instead of breakfast.
Diet to restore vision
One of the important points of the means of self-improvement is the diet. There are no hard restrictions here. Exceptionally healthy food is the main advantage. In order for the body to fight the decrease in vision itself, it is necessary to provide it with all the substances necessary for the normal functioning of the eyes.
The main composition of the products that must be consumed by those who wish to restore vision (it is very effective to follow such a diet during treatment with pharmaceutical preparations prescribed by a doctor):
- Carrots, broccoli, sea fish, all vegetables and fruit.
- Try not to eat a lot of salty, smoked and spicy fatty foods.
At first glance, there is nothing difficult about following this diet. You just have to make a little effort and be more responsible for your health.
Gymnastics for the eyes
A special place among the numerous means of traditional medicine is occupied by ordinary gymnastics for the eyes. If infusions and decoctions need to be prepared in advance, kept at a certain temperature, then the exercises can be performed anywhere and at any time. Whether you are on the bus or on a break, take 10 minutes for your health. After a few sessions of this therapy, you will definitely feel an improvement. Above all, be sure to remove your glasses or contact lenses - therapeutic exercises should take place in a natural environment for the eyes.

It is noted that the eyes function well due to the normal work of the visual muscles. To keep them in constant tone, you need to perform the following exercises:
- Blink.Without straining your eyes, blink lightly and quickly. This has a positive effect on blood circulation.
- Far close.The following exercise is based on a different focus of vision. Imagine there is a dot on the window. Move your gaze from it to the view outside the window. Then look at the window again. Do this several times.
- Pinch.Close your eyes tightly for 6-7 seconds. and then open wide. Do this at least 10 times. It stimulates blood circulation, strengthens the eye muscles.
- Pressure on the eyelid.With three fingers of both hands, press on the upper eyelids of the eyes. Without applying much force, hold it for 2-3 seconds and release your fingers. This massage is very beneficial for the circulation of the intraocular fluid.
- Cold and hot shower- Do it every day in the morning. Get in the habit of taking a contrast shower for your eyes every day. Start with warm water that doesn't overcook. Rinse your face, paying particular attention to the eyes. Then repeat the same with cold water. It is recommended to finish the water procedures with cold water.
- Imagine something nice.An emergency remedy to bring your eyes back to working capacity is to close your eyes and imagine something pleasant. The eyes relax from this and gradually return to normal.
- Make a drawing.Create an image yourself and outline it around the edges, without focusing on real objects. Draw virtual lines up, down, sideways, make circular movements.
In fact, regular eye exercises are much more effective than it might seem at first glance. Don't forget to do all the exercises every day.
If your eyes are tired from long-term computer work, you can also successfully apply them by downloading them during a hard day at work.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that following the simplest rules will help you not to worry about visual impairment until old age. You need to spend less time on the computer (or take regular breaks), eat more natural products, lead a healthy lifestyle, quit bad habits, work, read or write only with adequate lighting. Don't expose your eyes to extra stress! Only you can save your health!